Our Story

Garvin Onaba
Garvin Onaba, Founder/CEO


Here To Help You Grow Your Business


EHMG is a registered entity committed in providing quality, tailored and timely business development and advisory services to micro, small and medium enterprises in Uganda, primarily in and around Kampala.

Vision: To see more new businesses celebrate their first, third and fifth birthdays.

Mission: To provide tailored business development and advisory services to growth-minded micro, small and medium size business enterprises in Uganda, improving their performance, competitiveness and long-term sustainability.

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Your preferred business development partner, with you every step of the way.

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The mortality rate of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) in Uganda is staggering. 50% collapse in the first year, 70% after 3 years and 95% by the 5th year. Troubling statistics, especially as MSME are seen as drivers of economic growth and vehicles of poverty reduction.

EHMG, in some small way, by providing business development and advisory services primarily through strategic direction, business and financial planning, and financial planning, will contribute to increasing the survivability/sustainability of MSMEs in Uganda.  In so doing, EHMG, will be contributing to the United Nations 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) #8, Decent Work and Economic Growth, in particular, to promote inclusive and sustainable and inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, reducing poverty and creating of employment.

Business development and advisory services (BDAS) are generally defined as non-financial services, both strategic (medium to long term issues that improve performance) and operational (day-to-day issues), services that improve the performance of the enterprise – sales, productivity, profitability, business growth, competitiveness, operational efficiency and access to markets.  Businesses are run more effectively and are enhanced for access to financing. The benefits of BDAS include the following:

  • Increased sales/revenue
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Increased profit
  • Higher cash flows
  • Business growth
  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Enhanced competitiveness